Saving the imzad is saving the near extinction of the Tuareg culture

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«The imzad is to the Tuareg like the soul to the body»
The imzad is a monochord bowed string instrument dating back to the dawn of time. More than an instrument, the imzad is a powerful Tuareg symbol that suggests a particular music dedicated to a social stratum that harmonizes space and time. This instrument is exclusively reserved for women musicians.
The only sound allowed to mingle with this instrument is the voice of a male soloist. Every aspect of life, whatever the event, is expressed through rhyme and singing. The very act of performing lends to an ambiance and an atmosphere that are all charm of the ritual.
However, the beauty and authenticity of the culture are under threat. Only five elderly women have the know-how to craft and play the imzad.
An entire cultural identity will be lost forever if we don’t act now.
(You will find further information about this mysterious society on this website).