Our Program
Global intervention
- To register the graduates who are capable of teaching and passing on this ancestral art.
- To register women who are specialized in making the imzad and launch a specific study to improve their ability. This will be achieved through a physical and a chemical study of The skin used in the manufacture of imzad and the other by-products in order to expand their production to a large-scale.
- To register and train interested young girls who are predisposed to this art. The fist training programme, already launched in Tamanrasset in collaboration with the educational and professional training services, to train 40 young girls, should be more established.
- There is already a study underway in order to produce a series of 26 minutes documentary films.
- Taking steps to acquire land in Tamanrasset for the purpose of creating the Imzad Institute. Furthermore, it is planned to build an artists village “Dar El Imzad” as a meeting place and a centre of Tuareg cultural influence for artists from all over the world.
- This centre -PHARE (GMIRA) could become the hub of the imzad. The Transsaharian culture and its focal point Tamanrasset will be the cross-roads for other musical modes
and Saharan Africa cultures. This is the objective of programs compiled in collaboration with the Institute of Professional Training as well as the local authorities of the Tamanrasset wilaya. - Informing all the cultural groups concerned both locally and nationally as well as the tourism and the manufactory industry of this ancestral art. Making the local population of Tamanrasset and of Illizi aware of the need to take action in order to preserve their heritage. Organizing imzad annual festivals alternately in Tamanrasset, Dganet, Agads etc. The aim is to restore this cultural experience in the next generation and to instil a lasting legacy.